The Hindu Kush-Himalayan region (1/2)
The ASSESS-HKH consortium comprises six Asian partners from the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region, i. e. country partners from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and the international organisation ICIMOD located in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Geology, geography, climate, and hydrology vary noticeable within the HKH region and exhibit a variety of different and interesting ecoregions. The following pages provide characteristics of the magnificent, but also increasingly endangered Hindu Kush-Himalayan region.

Major riverbasins in the HKH region
Literature Geology, Geography, Climate, River Hydrology and Pressures and Impacts of the Hindu-Kush Himalayan region:
ROBINSON, F. (1989): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives. - Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 520p.;
PETR, T. (ed.) (1999): Fish and fisheries at higher altitudes. Asia. – FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 385.
ALLAN, J.D. (1995): Stream Ecology. Structure and function of running waters. – Chapman & Hall. London. 388p.
KADAMBARI SHARMA (ed.) (1999): Encyclopedia of Himalayas. Vol.1. Understanding Himalayas. – Anmol Publications PVT. LTD. New Delhi. 209p.
CUSHING, C.E. & J.D. ALLAN (2001): Streams. Their Ecology and Life. – Academic Press. San Diego. 366p.
FAO: FORESTRY DEPARTMENT (1999): A concept and strategy for ecological zoning for the global forest resources assessment 2000 (FRA 2000). Interim report. Working paper 20.;
FAO: FORESTRY DEPARTMENT (2000): Assessment 2000. Main report.FAO Forestry Paper 140.;
METCALF AND EDDY (2000) Paper presented at a seminar on groundwater and waste water organised by Melamchi Water Supply Development Board, 14 th February 2000, Kathmandu, Nepal.