Progress: Standardized sampling procedure

A standardized sampling procedure (Multi-Habitat-Sampling (MHS)) to collect aquatic macroinvertebrates from rivers was applied to all sampling sites in all Asian partner countries. Hence, all collected samples could be compared with each other. The sampling procedure is based on the AQEM-method (Aqem 2000). The AQEM sampling method is based on a multi-habitat approach, where major habitats are sampled according to their proportional distribution within a sampling reach.

At each sampling site 20 samples (sampling units) are taken with a handnet (frame size 0.25 x 0.25 m, mesh size 500 µm). One sampling unit is a single application of the net sampler. For example, if the habitat at the sampling site is 50% sand, then 50%, which equals 10 sampling units should be taken in that habitat. A MHS protocol helps to estimate the amount of different substrate types.

For more information please consult the draft version of the MHS sampling manual (» MHS_Manual_HKH_Nov05.pdf, 1 MB).

Altogether 390 samples were taken during two sampling periods in November/December 2005 and March/April 2006 in the partner countries.

» Table of sampling sites

photo of sampling gearphoto of sapmling
Sampling gearSingle application of the net sampler


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