Progress: Establishing a stream typology

A stream typology was established in the partner countries to assign rivers with comparable natural environmental conditions to a certain stream type. As a result of a comprehensive literature survey as well as of the partner's expertise, the WWF 200 ecoregions have been selected as appropriate eco-geographic units. Within this framework of ecoregions, a more detailed river typology for the HKH region has been generated, which in addition is based on catchment size, altitude, and other criteria, such as the tidal influence in the Lower Gangetic plains of Bangladesh (see also: » River and stream typology).

figure stream typologyArrows indicate streams that belong to the same stream type since they are situated in the same ecoregion (Tropical mountain), belong to the same catchment size class (500-1000km2) and altitude class (1000-2000m).

The following five ecoregions and eleven sub-ecoregions (bioregions) have been selected as study area:

Among these ecoregions/bioregions the following detailed stream typology has been applied:

Core stream type: Himalayan Subtropical Pine Forest (IM 0301)
Sampled in Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan

Other stream types to be sampled:

Eastern Himalayan Broadleaf Forest (IM 0401)
Sampled in Bhutan and Nepal

Western Himalayan Broadleaf Forest (IM 0403)
Sampled in Pakistan

Lower Gangetic Plains Moist Deciduous Forest (IM 0120)
Sampled in Bangladesh and Nepal

Upper Gangetic Plains Moist Deciduous Forests (IM 0166)
Sampled in India

» Photos of reference sites


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